Sonia Benitez
Art i Escultura


About me

My name is Sònia
Nice to meet you!

Currently, I consider my sculptures as a reflection of my personal experiences and reflections. In the beginning, stone carving was simply a moment of disconnection and connection with myself. Nowadays, it goes further and, consciously and sometimes unconsciously, creating from sculpture has allowed me to shape and show sensations and situations experienced.

Doing Fine Arts I discovered stone carving and how this material, and everything it implied, allowed me to escape. When I finished my university career, I continued my training, spending more than six years in the workshop of Mariano Andrés Vilella.

I have always found the need to work from the female figure. The sculptural bodies become a presence, a record and a witness. A trace that is printed on each of my pieces. A body with a double vision, the external body and the interior… inspiring a more inimate and personal reflection.

The sculpture becomes not only moments of pause and reflection but a language to communicate with me

Prizes and Contests


  • Finalist 3r Toolip International Art Contest. Budapest
  • Collective exhibition Guerra i Pau. Convent Sant Pau. Barcelona
  • Collective exhibition Ciclamen Galería Léucade. Múrcia


  • Collective exhibition and art supermarket Miimspais. Barcelona
  • Art exhibition, Les Muses de la Escala Girona
  • Participation in the Art Route of Castelló d’Empúries. Catalunya
  • Participation in the initiative, “Fem del plàstic una obra d’art” for the benefit of the Associació Amics de les Illes Formigues.
  • Selected International Award, Sant Jordi, Fundació Perelló.
  • Collective exhibition grup Abartium. Vic


  • Selected in the Pere Jou Sculpture competition in Sitges.
  • Virtual exhibition Mombo Gallery.
  • Collective exhibition Galeria Bcmartgallery. Barcelona.
  • Collective exhibition Galeria Ra Del Rey. Madrid.


  • Finalista en el premi Beca Güell de Barcelona en Escultura.


  • Winner of the competition for the award given in the “Paraules d’Icària” by Edicions Saragossa. Barcelona


  • Exhibition curator Crits”. Barcelona.
  • Exhibition “El cos humà i l’art”. Barcelona.
  • Selected to exhibit a work. Reial Cercle Artístic Sant Lluc. Barcelona.


  • Exhibition “In- corpore”. Barcelona.


  • Selected in the Pere Jou Award. Sitges.
  • Finalist in the 2006 Crèdit Andorrà Sculpture competition.
Contact me